Weave string back and fore over your wooden frame and then go on a nature walk and collect items that can be woven into your frame. Please spend 5 minutes to complete the nature survey. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Ug4_TzS3ZEGUCRtgHRR5k-yOlPSBrkhJksacUAoHyq5UMkVVRk5OSDQzRVVCSkJNTlQ5OUFJVzRUQi4u
Finding nature’s Superheroes in the woods. I wonder if you can find some and let me know what you discover !
Listen to the story and picture in your head WHERE the lants would go in Mr McGregor's garden
On your daily walks, take a scavenger hunt activity card with you and find lots of interesting things
Watch to see how you can make your own trail around your garden or outdoor space.
Look closely at the nature around you. Focus on specific viewpoints. Investigate how to edit and enhance your photography skills.
Find out how to use the natural dyes of plants and leaves